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Stephan J. LaPointe, DPM, PhD, FACFAS
Tuesday, 23 July 2024 00:00

Ingrown toenails in children often result from improper nail trimming, wearing tight footwear, or injury. When nails are cut too short or rounded at the edges, they can grow into the surrounding skin, leading to pain, swelling, and sometimes infection. Tight shoes or socks can put pressure on the toes, encouraging the nails to grow inward. Additionally, stubbing a toe or repeated trauma from activities like running can contribute to the problem. To prevent ingrown toenails, ensure that children wear properly fitting shoes and socks that provide enough room for their toes. Trim their nails straight across and avoid cutting them too short. Encouraging children to be cautious during physical activities can also help reduce the risk of injury to their toenails. If you suspect your child has an ingrown toenail, it is suggested that you consult a podiatrist.

Ingrown toenails can become painful if they are not treated properly. For more information about ingrown toenails, contact Dr. Stephan J. LaPointe of Georgia Foot & Ankle Specialists . Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails occur when a toenail grows sideways into the bed of the nail, causing pain, swelling, and possibly infection.


  • Bacterial infections
  • Improper nail cutting such as cutting it too short or not straight across
  • Trauma to the toe, such as stubbing, which causes the nail to grow back irregularly
  • Ill-fitting shoes that bunch the toes too close together
  • Genetic predisposition


Because ingrown toenails are not something found outside of shoe-wearing cultures, going barefoot as often as possible will decrease the likeliness of developing ingrown toenails. Wearing proper fitting shoes and using proper cutting techniques will also help decrease your risk of developing ingrown toenails.


Ingrown toenails are a very treatable foot condition. In minor cases, soaking the affected area in salt or antibacterial soaps will not only help with the ingrown nail itself, but also help prevent any infections from occurring. In more severe cases, surgery is an option. In either case, speaking to your podiatrist about this condition will help you get a better understanding of specific treatment options that are right for you.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Rome, GA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Ingrown Toenail Care
Tuesday, 16 July 2024 00:00

Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis that leads to sudden and intense joint pain, often affecting the big toe and usually occurring at night. It can also target the other toes as well as the ankles. Gout arises from having high levels of uric acid in the blood. This substance forms from the breakdown of purines found in foods like red meat, organ meats, certain seafood, sugary sodas, and beer. Excess uric acid can form needle-like crystals in the joints that cause severe pain and swelling. Men are three times more likely to develop gout than women, particularly after age 40. Women become more susceptible post-menopausal because of a decrease in estrogen levels. Risk factors for gout include a diet high in purine-rich foods, high-fructose corn syrup, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, and a family history of gout. Chronic conditions like diabetes, kidney disease, and certain high blood pressure medications are other factors. A podiatrist can diagnose gout through joint fluid analysis, blood tests, and imaging to detect uric acid crystals. If you have sudden and severe pain in the big toe that may be due to gout, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist for a diagnosis and treatment options.

Gout is a foot condition that requires certain treatment and care. If you are seeking treatment, contact Dr. Stephan J. LaPointe from Georgia Foot & Ankle Specialists . Our doctor will treat your foot and ankle needs.

What Is Gout?

Gout is a type of arthritis caused by a buildup of uric acid in the bloodstream. It often develops in the foot, especially the big toe area, although it can manifest in other parts of the body as well. Gout can make walking and standing very painful and is especially common in diabetics and the obese.

People typically get gout because of a poor diet. Genetic predisposition is also a factor. The children of parents who have had gout frequently have a chance of developing it themselves.

Gout can easily be identified by redness and inflammation of the big toe and the surrounding areas of the foot. Other symptoms include extreme fatigue, joint pain, and running high fevers. Sometimes corticosteroid drugs can be prescribed to treat gout, but the best way to combat this disease is to get more exercise and eat a better diet.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Rome, GA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Everything You Need to Know About Gout
Wednesday, 10 July 2024 00:00

Your feet are covered most of the day. If you're diabetic, periodic screening is important for good health. Numbness is often a sign of diabetic foot and can mask a sore or wound.

Tuesday, 09 July 2024 00:00

Cracked heels, medically known as keratoderma, is a condition where the skin on the heels becomes thick, dry, and eventually splits. This often painful issue arises from prolonged pressure on the feet, leading to hard, callused skin that can fissure. Causes include standing for long periods, wearing open-backed shoes, and exposure to dry, cold weather. Medical conditions like diabetes and hypothyroidism also contribute by causing excessively dry skin. Excessive weight increases pressure on the heel pads, further worsening the problem. Preventing keratoderma involves regular moisturizing, wearing supportive, closed-back footwear, and avoiding prolonged standing on hard surfaces. Proper foot care routines, including gentle exfoliation and hydration, are essential to maintain soft, healthy skin and prevent the discomfort associated with cracked heels. This condition can be painful. If this applies to you, it is suggested that you visit a podiatrist who can effectively treat cracked heels, which often includes prescribed medication.

If the skin on your feet starts to crack, you may want to see a podiatrist to find treatment. If you have any concerns, contact Dr. Stephan J. LaPointe from Georgia Foot & Ankle Specialists . Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Cracked Heels

It is important to moisturize your cracked heels in order to prevent pain, bleeding, and infection. The reason cracked heels form is because the skin on the foot is too dry to support the immense pressure placed on them. When the foot expands, the dry skin on the foot begins to split.

Ways to Help Heal Them

  • Invest in a good foot cream
  • Try Using Petroleum Jelly
  • Ease up on Soaps
  • Drink Plenty of Water

Ways to Prevent Cracked Heels

  • Moisturize After Showering
  • Skip a Shower
  • Keep Shower Water Lukewarm
  • Don’t Scrub Your Feet

If you are unsure how to proceed in treating cracked heels, seek guidance from a podiatrist. Your doctor will help you with any questions or information you may need. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Rome, GA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Solutions for Cracked Heels
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